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Eel, European

Quality mark Cultivation
/Keurmerk Wild
Second choice
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The group of Eels (Anguilliformes) can be characterized by their elongated shape. Ranging in length from 5 cm to over 4 meters. Commonly known species from this family are the European eel, the conger eel and the predatory, terrifying moray. All eels are carnivorous. They can be distinguished from snakes by their long backfins. Eels do not have scales and have two small but very distinctive pectoral fins. Many species are even able to survive on land for quite some time.

Eels live in all seas around the world. Some species are catadromous, meaning that they migrate from salt to fresh water. The European eel is commercially most interesting in the Netherlands.


Eel, European

The European eel can be found in the whole of Europe and in the Mediterranean Sea. It has been listed as ‘Critically Endangered’ on the IUCN Red List of Species. The eel is a catadromous fish, meaning it grows up in brackish or freshwater and spawns in salt water. When migrating to sea, eel can crawl on land for short distances. The European eel presumably reproduce in the Sargasso Sea. The eel larvae use the ocean currents to migrate back to Europe, where the larvae (glass eel) swim into inland waters. Much of the life history of the European eel is still unknown, especially regarding reproduction.


Eel, European

Anguilla anguilla

Europe (FAO 5)

Farming- / Catch method

All catch methods

  • Jan
  • Feb
  • Mar
  • Apr
  • May
  • Jun
  • Jul
  • Aug
  • Sep
  • Oct
  • Nov
  • Dec
Fish stocks and fishing pressure
Ecosystem effects
Fishery management
Final assessment
Explanation assessment

European eel is on the IUCNIUCN:
International Union for the Conservation of Nature, an international institute for nature and natural resources. It is a partnership with both non-governmental organizations and governments. 
list of critically endangered species. Since 1980, eel catches have decreased by 75% and glass eel intakes by 99%. The exact cause of this rapid decline is unknown, but water pollution, blockage of waterways and fishing are suspected to be factors.

European eels are mainly caught using fykesfykes:
A fishing technique where fish are attracted into a fyke. Fykes are pots or traps made of, for example, wire mesh.
. The impact of this fishing method on the ecosystem is still unclear. However, it is likely to be harmful to species attracted to the captured eel, such as otters and birds. This fishing method is expected to have minimal impact on habitats.

A European regulation in 2007 requires every member state to take drastic measures to restore eel stocks in Europe. Against scientific advice, this plan still allows fishing of juvenile eels (glass eels) and adult eels. Illegal fishing is also still encouraged by high eel prices. ManagementManagement:
The regulations surrounding fisheries and aquaculture that ensure that production is carried out within legal frameworks and that sustainability can be assured.
of this species is ineffective.

Want to know more about the European eel? Read here about two projects Good Fish has completed: Toekomst voor paling (Dutch only) and Power to the eel.

Eel, European

Anguilla anguilla

Europe (FAO 5)

Farming- / Catch method

All aquaculture methods

  • Jan
  • Feb
  • Mar
  • Apr
  • May
  • Jun
  • Jul
  • Aug
  • Sep
  • Oct
  • Nov
  • Dec
Source usage
Impact on the environment
Final assessment
Explanation assessment

European eel is on the IUCNIUCN:
International Union for the Conservation of Nature, an international institute for nature and natural resources. It is a partnership with both non-governmental organizations and governments. 
list of critically endangered species. Since 1980, eel catches have decreased by 75% and glass eel intakes by 99%. The exact cause of this rapid decline is unknown, but water pollution, blockage of waterways and fishing are suspected to be factors.

European eel farming depends on wild-caught glass eels because eels cannot yet reach sexual maturity in captivity. Wild-caught eel scores red on the VISwijzer, which also makes it unsustainable to use it for farming purposes. Regardless of the farming method, this species scores red.

Our research currently shows that the SEGSEG-certification:
The Sustainable Eel Group (SEG) is an international organisation that aims to contribute to the recovery of eels in Europe. The SEG has developed a European standard and certification programme for sustainable eel called the Sustainable Eel Standard (SES).Demonstrating that a fishery or farm is actually making this positive contribution is not easy. In addition, a certification such as this only makes sense if there is no further eel fishing. After all, non-certified parties, who do not have to comply with the SEG rules, would be allowed to continue fishing.
-label is not an improvement on existing farming standards.

Want to know more about the European eel? Read here about two projects Good Fish has completed: Toekomst voor paling (Dutch only) and Power to the eel.

ASC label

Fish with the ASC label is farmed in a sustainable manner.

MSC label

Fish with the MSC label is caught sustainably.

Good fish

This fish is not being overfished or is being responsibly farmed, with minimal impact on the environment.

Second choice

This fish is a second choice. There are still some improvements to be made in this fishery or fish farm.


Do not buy this fish. It's being overfished or the way it's farmed or caught has a negative impact on the environment.


There is fish available of this species that is farmed or caught using high welfare standards.


GlobalG.A.P. certified farms are doing a step in the right direction in terms of sustainability. A few species with this label are getting a better score on the VISwijzer.


Organic standards are the strictest when it comes to fish feed. They also require certain measures for animal well-being.