Cod is perhaps one of the most popular whitefish eaten in The Netherlands and is also of great commercial importance to the Danes, Norwegians, and Russians. Cod also swims in our own North Sea and the fishery has carried the MSC ecolabel for two years.
Unfortunately, that ecolabel has recently been withdrawn due to a large decline in the stock. This has hardly affected the supply of cod in our supermarkets as they come from northern seas and almost always carry the MSC ecolabel.
Cod used to be widely used for fried fish but, due to financial reasons it is currently more common to use a different kind of whitefish, such as Alaska pollock. However, many consumers still think they are eating cod when ordering a portion of fried fish.
The stock of North Sea cod is simply too depleted at the moment. Therefore, it is better to avoid eating cod originating from this area. . A good alternative is MSC labelled cod or other white fish such as Alaska pollack or haddock. Visit the extensive VISwijzer for full advice.