Thicklip grey mullet
North Sea (FAO 27)
Anchored gillnets
- Jan
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Little is known about the status and development of the mullet stockStock:
The fish of a particular species reproducing in the same area in the same period. in the North Sea. There is probably no overfishingOverfishing:
There is so much fish caught that the size of the stock has diminished so far that it can no longer produce a maximum sustainable yield. The size of the fish populations is insufficient to reproduce in the long term. , but it seems that the stock is showing a slight decline.
Fishing for mullet with anchoredanchored gillnets:
A fishing technique whereby passing fish become tangled up in a net with their gills (also known as a gillnet), which is vertically standing on the bottom. gillnets is relatively selective with little bycatchBycatch:
Species caught next to species targeted for fishery. By-catches can consist of non-commercial species and species that are too small, and can be kept (this part is sometimes called by-product) or thrown back into the sea (discards). of other fish species. However, bycatch of seabirds is observed and is a concern.
There is currently no common managementManagement:
The regulations surrounding fisheries and aquaculture that ensure that production is carried out within legal frameworks and that sustainability can be assured. for mullet in European waters. Since there is little targeted fishing for it, this is not an urgent problem. The managementManagement:
The regulations surrounding fisheries and aquaculture that ensure that production is carried out within legal frameworks and that sustainability can be assured. on this species is partially effective.