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Pouting (Bycatch)

Quality mark Cultivation
/Keurmerk Wild
Second choice
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Cod-like fish

Cod-like fishes belong to the Gadidae family. This includes the Atlantic and Pacific cod, pouting, haddock, whiting, European pollock, Alaska pollock and saithe. They live near the seabed in coastal waters and in deeper waters. During the day, they aggregate in schools. At night, they separate to forage independently. Gadidae are omnivorous fish that feed on worms, molluscs, bivalves, crustaceans and small fish. They migrate over large distances to spawn and to hunt on large schools of herring and smelt.



Pouting (Bycatch)

Pouting is a fish in the family of cod, just like whiting, pollock and haddock. Pouting is found in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean, from the British Isles en southern Norway to the African coast. It is also found in the western part of the Mediterranean. Pouting is mostly living on edge of the continental shelf, but migrates to shallow coastal waters to spawn. Pouting lives in groups, close to the bottom and eats small benthic fauna, like worms, shrimps and mussels and sometimes small fish. Juvenile pouting are commonly found in schools. It is a small codlike species with a maximum length of 46 cm and a maximum age of 3 years.



Pouting (Bycatch)

Trisopterus luscus

Atlantic Ocean, northeast (FAO 27)

Farming- / Catch method

Bycatch – fishing method: any gear type

  • Jan
  • Feb
  • Mar
  • Apr
  • May
  • Jun
  • Jul
  • Aug
  • Sep
  • Oct
  • Nov
  • Dec
Fish stocks and fishing pressure
Ecosystem effects
Fishery management
Final assessment
Explanation assessment

Although pouting is commonly occuring in the North Sea, there is no fishery targeting it. Pouting is mostly landed as bycatchBycatch:
Species caught next to species targeted for fishery. By-catches can consist of non-commercial species and species that are too small, and can be kept (this part is sometimes called by-product) or thrown back into the sea (discards). 
from the mixed bottom trawl fishery on roundfish, like cod.

Although there are no stock estimates done for pouting, it is the general impression that the fishing pressure is low and the stocks are not being overfished. Pouting is moderately vulnerable  to fishing pressure. The mixed bottom trawl fishery, in which pouting is caught, has relatively much bycatch. Unwanted species are discarded. These discards hardly survive. There is also interaction between the fishing gear and the seabed, which disrupts the seabed. With prolonged disruption of the seabed on a large scale, it can cause a change in the species composition and richness in sea. Because there is no targeted fishery on pouting and it is a commonly occuring species, there is no separate fishery management for it.


ASC label

Fish with the ASC label is farmed in a sustainable manner.

MSC label

Fish with the MSC label is caught sustainably.

Good fish

This fish is not being overfished or is being responsibly farmed, with minimal impact on the environment.

Second choice

This fish is a second choice. There are still some improvements to be made in this fishery or fish farm.


Do not buy this fish. It's being overfished or the way it's farmed or caught has a negative impact on the environment.


There is fish available of this species that is farmed or caught using high welfare standards.


GlobalG.A.P. certified farms are doing a step in the right direction in terms of sustainability. A few species with this label are getting a better score on the VISwijzer.


Organic standards are the strictest when it comes to fish feed. They also require certain measures for animal well-being.