Spain and Portugal
Pots and traps, Fykes
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The red swamp crayfish is native to Louisiana. The crayfish have been introduced in many countries, like China and Spain. The drawback is that the crayfish have escaped on a large scale and spread to the environment and has even become a pest in Europe and China.
Crayfish are mainly caught with fykesfykes:
A fishing technique where fish are attracted into a fyke. Fykes are pots or traps made of, for example, wire mesh., [pots and traps] or by hand. These methods are selective and do not damage the habitat.
The invasiveInvasive:
Invasive species is a biological term indicating a species that has located outside its natural range. crayfish are a pest and could maybe be controlled by a well managed fishery. In Spain there is a large industry that keeps the crayfish at bay, and strict regulations make management of the local crayfish population possible.