Pink salmon
Pacific Ocean, northeast and northwest (FAO 61; 67)
Gillnets, Purse seines, Pelagic longlines
- Jan
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- Dec
Several pink salmon fisheries are MSCMSC:
Marine Stewardship Council, an independent, international non-profit organization that has developed an eco-label that guarantees well-managed, sustainable fisheries. Fish products that meet the criteria of the eco-label can be identified by the blue MSC logo.-certified. These use many different fishing methods, including the “fish wheel,” a wheel with scoop nets attached that spins in the current, scooping the fish out of the current and dropping them into a catch basin. Salmon fishing in the Pacific is well-regulated and the methods do little damage to nature. MSC-certified pink salmon are caught using gillnetsGillnets:
A fishing technique whereby passing fish get caught in the meshes with their gills. The net stands vertically on the bottom or hangs on buoys in the water column. The by-catch of species such as porpoises and dolphins is a problem related to gillnets., pelagic longlinesLonglines (drifting):
A fishing method whereby a long main line (40-100 km long) with transverse lines with hooks with bait is expanded. The line floats on buoys in the water column. and pursePurse seines:
A ring net in which the net is circulated around a school of fish. Then the net is closed and taken in. This is also called 'purse seine'. seines.