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Antarctic krill

Quality mark Cultivation
/Keurmerk Wild
Second choice
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Antarctic krill

Krill is a small shrimplike crustacean that can be found in Antarctic waters. They live in large schools and provide a very important food source for marine animals, such as penguins and whales. Krill can reach maximum lengths of 62 mm and have a lifespan of around 5 years. Antarctic krill is mostly used to produce fish feed and nutritional supplements.


Antarctic krill

Euphausia superba

Atlantic Ocean, Antarctic (FAO 48)

Farming- / Catch method

Bottom trawls

  • Jan
  • Feb
  • Mar
  • Apr
  • May
  • Jun
  • Jul
  • Aug
  • Sep
  • Oct
  • Nov
  • Dec
Explanation assessment

Krill is caught in Antarctic waters with special fine-meshed [midwater otter trawls]. The nets are at the front closed with bigger meshes to prevent bigger sea animals like seals from entering. Krill from Aker Biomarine and Olympic Seafood is MSC-certifiedMSC Certified:
Fisheries that comply with the Marine Stewardship Council assessment criteria and are certified. Fish products with the blue MSC label are caught by sustainable fisheries.
. The catching possibilities are determined by CCAMR (Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources). These are not fully used right now.


ASC label

Fish with the ASC label is farmed in a sustainable manner.

MSC label

Fish with the MSC label is caught sustainably.

Good fish

This fish is not being overfished or is being responsibly farmed, with minimal impact on the environment.

Second choice

This fish is a second choice. There are still some improvements to be made in this fishery or fish farm.


Do not buy this fish. It's being overfished or the way it's farmed or caught has a negative impact on the environment.


There is fish available of this species that is farmed or caught using high welfare standards.


GlobalG.A.P. certified farms are doing a step in the right direction in terms of sustainability. A few species with this label are getting a better score on the VISwijzer.


Organic standards are the strictest when it comes to fish feed. They also require certain measures for animal well-being.